# Writing a 2D Module

We're going to write a Module which works with the built-in 2d Renderer.

To follow this guide, we'd recommend having some experience with:

# 1. Create a new file

Save a blank JavaScript file in the Media Manager's media directory. Place your file in a module folder within a Project folder. e.g. [media path]/[project]/module.

By saving your Module here the Media Manager will compile your code and send it to modV on every file save. If your Module is within a Layer already, you'll need to remove it from said Layer and drag your Module in again from the Gallery to use the updated Module.

# 2. Export an Object

Let's get started by exporting an Object.

export default {


# 3. Set up the Meta

Next up, we'll need to describe our Module with a meta Object block. Let's define the Module type as 2d and give our Module a name.

export default {
  meta: {
    // this tells modV our Module should use the 2d renderer
    type: '2d',

    // our Module's name
    name: 'Circle',

# 4. Draw

The draw function is where we put our Canvas2D code in 2d Modules.

The code below will draw a filled red circle in the middle of the screen.

export default {
  // meta: { ... },

  // using destructuring we can get the width and height of the canvas
  draw({ canvas: { width, height }, context }) {
    const size = 20;
    const color = 'red';

    context.fillStyle = color;
      // x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle
      (width / 2) - (size / 2),
      (height / 2) - (size / 2),
      Math.PI * 2,

# 5. Props

So, a red circle is pretty cool, but how is this audio reactive? Well, we should define some props (properties) to generate some Controls.

We've got two variables defined at the moment, size and color. Let's take these out of the draw function and create some props.

# 5.1 size

size is an integer and we've set it to 20. Let's reflect that in our prop definition. We'll also give it some minimum and maximum boundaries.

We'll also use abs: true which will keep the value a positive integer. Canvas2D doesn't allow negative radii for .arc().

props: {
  size: {
    type: 'int',
    default: 20,
    min: 0,
    max: 100,
    abs: true,

# 5.2 color

color is a string at the moment, but we can use a specific Control type named color to specify this variable will receive a color string. Let's also set the default to red.

props: {
  // size: { ... },
  color: {
    type: 'color',
    default: 'red',

# 5.3 slight edit to draw()

Now we have our props defined, we'll need to edit our draw function.

Props get written to the Module's scope, so you can access any prop with this[prop].

In our case it'll be this.size and this.color.

export default {
  // meta: { ... },
  // props: { ... },

  draw({ canvas: { width, height }, context }) {
    // we can access our props through destructuring
    const { color, size } = this;

    context.fillStyle = color;
      (width / 2) - (size / 2),
      (height / 2) - (size / 2),
      Math.PI * 2,

# 6. Putting everything together

The following code puts together everything from above:

export default {
  meta: {
    type: '2d',
    name: 'Circle',

  props: {
    size: {
      type: 'int',
      default: 20,
      min: 0,
      max: 100,
      abs: true,

    color: {
      type: 'color',
      default: 'red',

  draw({ canvas: { width, height }, context }) {
    const { color, size } = this;

    context.fillStyle = color;
      (width / 2) - (size / 2),
      (height / 2) - (size / 2),
      Math.PI * 2,

Adding audio reactivity

Right click on your Module's size control - through the menu, you can attach audio "features" to the size of the circle. This makes any Module audio reactive without baking in features.

So now we have a pretty bare-bones 2d Module, but that's enough to get you started.