# Audio Routing

To use modV as an audio visualiser you will need an audio source.

There are a number of ways to do this:

  1. If your computer has a microphone built-in, you can use that
  2. Use an audio source via a line-in jack
  3. Route audio using software routing. See below for OS specific set-up.

# Windows

VB Cable is recommended to route audio to the browser, download that here (opens new window).

# Configuring VB Cable

  • Set the system audio to route through VB Cable:
      1. Open the Sound Control Panel (win + r control.exe /name Microsoft.Sound)
      2. In the Playback tab: Set CABLE Input as the Default Device
  • Listening to VB CABLE's output:
      1. In the Recording tab: Right click CABLE Output and select Properties
      2. In the Listen tab: Check Listen to the device and select the Playback device to your speakers or headphones in the dropdown menu

# macOS

Soundflower is recommended to route audio to the browser, download that here (opens new window).

  • Set the system audio to route through SoundFlower:
      1. Open "Audio MIDI Setup" in /Applications/Utilities/
      2. Create a new "Multi-Output Device" with the + button in the bottom left
      3. Add "Soundflower 2ch" and any other device you'd like audio to output to (such as "Built-in Output" to listen to the audio)
      4. Select your new Multi-Output Device in "System Preferences > Sound" to be the output

# Linux

# Pulse Audio

  1. Download and install Pulse Audio's (opens new window) Volume Control package
  2. This tutorial (opens new window) shows how to setup the Input Devices to show your monitoring
  3. When you start the modV application, your browser should appear as a recording device in the Recording tab

Browser input device in pavucontrol